Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Distrusting one another is a simple technique that helps the average person survive day-to-day stresses. I have gone through some "group" projects in which I literally do everything, and yet everyone else shares my credit, but doesn't lose the same amount of hair in the process. If I were to, in this example, trust that everyone would do their part, I would be horribly stressed that my grade had gone down for something I had no control over. Instead of being heated over an obstacle, I maneuver my way around it before it is even an issue which is a common action people take in general.

originally from
People do not trust mainly because they know that people lie, and fail to achieve what is promised. All of this comes from past experiences of the person being told to trust the other. There are exercises to help one have faith in their fellow human being, such as the trust fall and other group activities meant for the same purpose, but is it worth the trouble to come? If one in a thousand people are naive enough to trust those around them, what is to say about their future? Those who easily trust those around them usually are the ones who fall into debt, lose their jobs, or get paid less for the same job someone else is doing. It is natural to distrust people; We all lie, cheat, and steal from one another.

Not trusting those around you is natural and necessary in this dog-eat-dog world. Many people, especially politicians use this to their advantage in manipulation. As to with everything, there are limits to how untrustworthy one should be with others. I would say, never just believe that another person could do you wrong, but don't be surprised when it does happen because chances are, they will. 

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